LinkAge Photo Virtual Tours

Here's a sample tour, embedded into this website. Click and drag inside the viewer window to move around, follow the hotspots and try out any of the three slideshows. And of course, sample the full-screen option or, you can view the entire virtual tour on its own page.


With that example in mind, imagine featuring your products (accommodations, real estate, manufacturing), services (contractors needing a virtual portfolio), or facilities (wineries, golf courses, shopping centres) ...the possibilities are endless!

Check out another example, this time for a local business.


Virtual Tour Features & Benefits

- Quality, professional photography -

- Full-screen viewing option -

- User-friendly format -

- Social Media Sharing/Integration -

- Incorporate panoramas as well as still (slideshow) images -

- Interactive Maps Integration -

- Floorplans with hotspot integration -

- Night/Dusk Photography available any business a warm, inviting impression! -


Send a message or call 250.809.6365 to see how we can showcase your business!

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